This paper suggests a different model of governance, which is inclusive of multiple affected patrons, and which is growing especially in welfare service provision. Read More
This paper aims to reformulate the "critical" status of consumption by looking for its traces within models that have become mainstream from alternative. In particular, we intend to analyze the effects generated by new value chains with respect to a more conscious and proactive user/consumer. Read More
This paper is part of a series of Working Papers produced as part of the International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM) project. It intends to answer the following research questions: "How many different types of SEs exist in Italy?"; "How many SEs of each type exist?"; "How and to what extent do they differ from each other?" Read More
This paper has two aims, to set out some of the theoretical arguments for and against multi-stakeholder governance, to look at examples of multi-stakeholder models in practice, and to generate from this a set of research questions. Read More
In Italy, Sant'Orsola is the leading company in the small fruit trade, with a market share of around 45 percent. This case study highlights the potential that the agricultural cooperative can have in developing and fostering a social organization of production and dissemination of knowledge and innovation in agriculture. Read More
The paper describes the characteristics of social cooperatives in Poland, which constitute an important element of the national sector of social entrepreneurship. Read More
This paper suggests a framework to assess coordination structures and mechanisms in terms of their ability to include the publics and their interests, and to generate socio-economic value consistently with those interests. Read More
This work is aimed at updating the function/justification of modern agricultural cooperatives. Firstly, a theoretical contribution mingling the knowledge-based theory of the firm with the social innovation approach in agriculture will be defined. Secondly, two case studies will be discussed. Read More
This paper aims to outline a neo-institutionalist framework for analyzing the accumulation and governance of common capital resources within organizational boundaries. Read More
This paper offers a conceptual reflection on how the production of complex health-related services, such as the prevention aspects of psychiatric illness, can be governed for the benefit of users and society at large. Read More
This paper aims to investigate one of the first, if not the first, social enterprises in Europe, the Italian social cooperative. It begins with an analysis of the economic and social context of the 1970s that gave rise to this form of cooperative. This is followed by a statistical analysis, starting with the first survey conducted to monitor the phenomenon and concluding with the most recent statistical data. Read More
This paper analyzes the UK context and the evolution of community enterprise legislation. The case study of Hackney Co-operative Developments is presented to show how a community enterprise, established to respond to local problems, can structure its business and be a generator of social innovation. Read More