The article aims to explore some specific aspects of governance of worker cooperatives, with particular reference to the participation of the worker member in the management of the enterprise. Read More
This paper, through data from the Census of Industry and Services and key employment statistics, will attempt to identify the territorial and/or sectoral areas most exposed to the fragilities that the crisis has highlighted, in order to analyze, precisely in these areas, the role and innovati va capacity of the nonprofit sector. Read More
En este trabajo se describe la evolución de las cooperativas de crédito en Argentina desde finales de 1880 hasta la actualidad. El análisis presta particular atención a la influencia de factores políticos e institucionales. En términos más específicos, muestra cómo reiterados cambios en el marco legal y regulatorio, inducidos por la profunda inestabilidad del contexto político argentino, han afectado sustancialmente la dimensión y la estructura del sistema de cooperativas de crédito. Read More
The macroeconomic impact of bank misconduct has deterred users of financial services from using the system, to the detriment of market integrity, and has prompted policymakers and supervisors to turn to "culture" as a tool to regain public trust. This paper addresses the definitional deficit on what "culture" is by exploring the illustrative case of cooperative banks. Read More
This article will describe the current state of social enterprise legislation in Europe, investigating its key role in the development of the social economy and its particular logics, distinct from those of the for-profit capitalist economy. Read More
This study explores the dimensions of the social economy in Italy in terms of organizations, employment and revenues, taking into account the market/non-market orientation of organizations. Read More
This article aims to provide a political, economic and social overview of the emergence and establishment of ERTs in Argentina over the past two decades. In addition, the legal and institutional preconditions that significantly encourage, limit and determine the scope of worker cooperatives will be analyzed. Read More
Starting with the mission of foundations of banking origin (FOBs), the result of the privatizations of Italy's public banks that began in 1990, this paper assesses the quality of the work of these entities, applying a model of analysis that considers their philanthropic activities, investment activities of resources derived from the total or partial divestment of holdings in former public banks (transferee banks), governance and transparency. Read More
This paper highlights the first phase of a research program, completed in late 2014 and early 2015, that homes in on worker-recuperated enterprises (imprese recuperate dai lavoratori) in Italy. The paper specifically focuses on Italy’s worker buyouts (WBOs) facilitated by its Legge Marcora (Marcora Law) framework—the form of worker-recuperated enterprises predominating in Italy. Read More
In this work we discuss the core elements of the community cooperatives concept (community goods, land and citizenship) with references to concrete cases. We then examine how new community cooperatives differ from historical ones. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of their future prospects. Read More
This paper proposes an analysis the literature on the shift from stakeholder to shareholder finance behind the Great Financial Crisis (GFC). Traditional banks generally maximized stakeholder value (STV). But before the GFC also many of them started maximizing shareholder value (SHV). Read More
This contribution aims to enrich the scarce theoretical reflections on multi-stakeholdership in a context where they are already well established, namely that of social and personal services. Read More