WP 20 | 11 Le cooperative in campo educativo: dimensioni del fenomeno e ruolo della cooperazione sociale
During the seminar organized by Federsolidarietà/Confcooperative “Co-operating for the schools of the future” held last September 2010 within the “Educa” festival, some relevant topics of discussion emerged around the role of cooperative enterprises in the field of production of educational services. The requests of the seminar generated in the promoters – in particular Federsolidarietà/Confcooperative – the request for an adequate systematization of the available knowledge through the drafting of a report structured in three parts.
In the first part, the universe of cooperative enterprises involved, in various capacities, in the educational field will be quantified. In the second part, the main characteristics of social cooperatives will be explored in depth, looking at the type of goods and services produced, their territorial location, as well as than to structural and performance dimensions. The third and final part will be dedicated to the synthesis of the results and the illustration of some guidelines for the diffusion and strengthening of social cooperation in the educational field.