The determinants of the performance of different forms of enterprises between 2004 and 2012

Publication date: 30 September 2015
Research areas: Misurazione e Impatto
Publication categories: Research Reports
Arguments: Measurement and statistics, Social impact
Organizational types: Third sector organizations
Tags: statistics, resilience, Coops in Italy, crisis, cooperatives

The objective of this report is to analyze the behavior of cooperatives compared to other forms of enterprises during the economic crisis, including considering the pre-crisis period and identifying the factors influencing this diversity of behavior.

The results show that during the crisis cooperatives exhibit countercyclical behavior compared to corporations, while in the pre-crisis period the differences in growth rates are not significant.

This paper is part of the Third Euricse | 2015 report “Cooperative Economy. Relevance, evolution and new frontiers of Italian cooperation“.
