Contribution for an Action Plan on the Social Economy

Publication date: 17 March 2021
Research areas: Public policy
Publication categories: Documents
Arguments: International models and mapping, Legal analysis
Organizational types: Third sector organizations
Tags: social economy, piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza, action plan

The drafting of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRP) showed an underestimation of the social economy. For this reason, Euricse felt it necessary to return once again to make the case for this sector, presenting some lines of action. This is a contribution open to sharing and discussion, in the conviction that a true revival of the Italian economy marked by social and environmental sustainability can only pass from a strengthening of the social economy. A National Action Plan is therefore needed to support the growth of social economy organizations in the coming years, focusing on eight concepts contained in this position paper officially presented on March 18, 2021 in a webinar organized by the National Economic and Labor Council.
