Cooperation in Trentino: structure, role and dynamics during the pandemic

Publication date: 12 January 2022
Research areas: Misurazione e Impatto
Publication categories: Research Reports
Arguments: Measurement and statistics
Organizational types: Social cooperatives, Credit cooperatives, Worker cooperatives, Consumer cooperatives, Agricultural cooperatives, Mutuals
Tags: cooperatives, trentino

Building on the findings of the previous report “Cooperation in Trentino,” which highlighted the key role of cooperatives in the provincial economy with reference to 2017, this second publication analyzes their dimensions to 2020. The report is divided into two parts. The first provides an economic/financial and employment reading of Trentino cooperation, delving into the repercussions and reaction of the entire sector to the first year of the Covid 19 pandemic. The second part is devoted to the analysis and possible lines of development of the five main sectors of Trentino cooperation: production and labor, agricultural, social, consumption and credit. The intent is also to understand whether and how cooperation has been able to respond to-or could take on in the future-new emerging social demands, in a context in which important signs of a revival of the social and cooperative economy are also coming from Europe.


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