Networks among enterprises for work placement

Publication date: 14 July 2021
Research areas: Misurazione e Impatto
Publication categories: Research Reports
Arguments: Work and workers, Ecosystems and networks, Measurement and statistics
Organizational types: Social cooperatives
Tags: social enterprises, Work integration, network contract, networks

Relationships with other private enterprises are increasingly strategic for social cooperatives: to diversify sources of income, to structure production chains, and to find employment outlets at the end of training and job placement paths. Relationships in which even traditional businesses can find added value, both from a commercial and marketing point of view and as an element of shared social responsibility.

The study of the network contract, which is the subject of the “Networks among enterprises for work placement” Report prepared by Euricse, illustrates its potential to strengthen social cooperatives and more effectively and strategically structure their relationships with other social cooperatives and traditional businesses.

Careful use of the discipline of network contracts can foster and qualify the productive activity of cooperatives and offer conventional enterprises, particularly in areas with a high manufacturing presence, a concrete opportunity to become socially responsible. Flexibility and dynamism, shared management of personnel, the possibility of facilitated secondment and of codatoriality, are key elements that make the network contract instrument suitable for improving the employment and training arrangements of workers, both to facilitate their transition to conventional enterprises at the end of the training or insertion path, and to favour workers with difficulties in accessing work (provided that this is not the sole objective of the contract).

Download the Operational Guidelines of the Inter-Enterprise Networks for Job Placement Report.
