New Euricse Working Papers

Euricse’s Working Papers Series is being enhanced by two new contributions. Paper 125/23, written by Carlo Borzaga, Manlio Calzaroni, Eddi Fontanari, and Massimo Lori, takes up the findings (with some additions) of the Social Economy in Italy Report edited with ISTAT, previously published by Euricse in 2021. Read More

New research reports coming soon

Euricse's research activities are in continuous progress, with interesting new reports coming out soon. Focus on collaborative welfare systems, Italian cooperative system, social economy in Trentino and healthcare and social welfare services integration.. Read More

Special honor for Carlo Borzaga

The New Year brought a special recognition to our President Emeritus Carlo Borzaga, who was granted the honorary title of Commendatore dell'Ordine "Al Merito della Repubblica Italiana" from the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella. Read More

Momentum project… work in progress

One year since the launch of the Momentum project, co-funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, intensive collaborative work has been carried out among all the partners.  Euricse produced the research report “on the structural and cultural barriers preventing young migrant women from… Read More

Cooperative finance: the call for papers is open

The 14th International Workshop on Cooperative and Responsible Finance for Development organized in collaboration with the University of Trento – Department of Economics and Management and Federcasse and the support of the European Association of Co-operative Banks will take place on June 15th and 16th, 2023. The… Read More

Paving the way for a more resilient Social Economy in the EU

On November 14th in Brussels, the European Commission presented the transition pathway on proximity and social economy, co-created with social economy stakeholders, including Euricse, to help social economy entities and small local businesses become greener and more digital. Secretary General Gianluca Salvatori participated in the launch event on behalf of Euricse and as a… Read More

Strategic analysis for Social Economy Organizations

In the coming months Euricse will work with five social economy organizations that chose Euricse as their consultant within the scope of the second edition of the “Next Generation You” a project funded by the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, one of the most important foundations in Europe. Euricse will assist the selected organizations in conducting an organizational and financial sustainability analysis and in drafting a… Read More

A Multimedia Guide on Social Enterprise Management

Euricse published the first multimedia guide that aims to offer a set of knowledge, tools and "key skills" useful for understanding, positioning and guiding Social Enterprises in seizing their opportunities for development and innovation. Read More

Being a Work Integration Social Enterprise: the event in Brussels

On November 18th, Giulia Galera participated in the event organized by ENSIE Network in Brussels at the European Economic and Social Committee focused on the question of what it means to be a Work Integration Social Enterprise (WISE) today. During the event our researcher presented some of the key findings from… Read More