The social and economic impact of the Autonomous Province of Trento’s “Progettone”

Publication date: 19 May 2021
Research areas: Public policy
Publication categories: Research Reports
Arguments: Work and workers
Organizational types: Worker cooperatives, Social cooperatives
Tags: cooperatives, trento, community service

Since 1990 the active labor policies promoted by the Autonomous Province of Trento have included the Progettone. If compared to the other experiences not only national “work social useful” Progettone has a unique characteristic: from the beginning it is based on the collaboration Provincia Provincia and cooperative. After by now over three decades of activity matured necessity tamed if and how much the efficacy efficacy pursuit and occupation occupation managed to maintain the balance with the efficiency productive interventions, so, with the use of public resources. In order to answer this question question Euricse set the project research “L’impatto sociale ed economico del Progettone”, financed by the agreement of the program with the Provincia Autonoma Trento.

The first chapter of the report reconstructs the evolution of the Progettone and the regulations that governed it and the main historical data available with regard to both the numbers and characteristics of the workers included and the financial resources used. The second and third chapters focus on insights for the year 2018, the only one for which it was possible to obtain a sufficiently complete database. In the second, in particular, the breakdown of spending by type of interventions and workers included and by territories covered is explored in depth and concludes with an analysis of the measure’s impact on the provincial economy for the same year. In the third chapter, on the other hand, the social and economic impact of the Progettone is assessed, reflecting specifically on the employment dimension and the quality of work, and, most importantly, reporting the results of the cost-benefit analysis conducted by purifying the total expenditures accounted for by the Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT) for the Progettone with the revenues and savings in public spending (not only in favor of the PAT) determined by the measure.

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